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Another type is safety assessments. Safety assessments evaluate a candidate’s attitude toward safety and whether they are likely to engage in risk-taking behaviour. These assessments can help organizations decrease the number of safety incidents and reduce the associated high costs. Safety assessments promote safety culture and encourage employees to contribute to a safe workplace.

Figure 3. According to the American Management Association's (AMA) survey, 70% of employers carry out some kind of job skill test. 46% of employers administer personality and/or psychological tests to applicants or employees. 41% of employers also test applicants for basic literacy, math, and 41% use psychological tests.

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Instead, general skills tests are meant to show a person's current job-related skill level.

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Skills tests measure job-related abilities. These can include communication skills, verbal, math, and communication skills. Or they can narrow down to typing and computer skills. These skills are the skills that candidates have learned through their education and professional careers.

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The data for the AMA were compiled from surveys of its members. These tend to include larger organizations. Criteria Corp believes small and medium-sized businesses should have access to pre-employment tests. Its mission is to make such assessments available to all types of organizations.

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In recent years, preemployment testing has been used in a significant increase. Due to increasing applicant pool due to the ease with which applicants can apply online, many hiring managers and recruiters now rely on data-driven talents management practices that simplify the hiring process. American Management Association (AMA), a survey, has shown that pre-employment testing has grown steadily over the last fifteen years. According to the AMA, these data showed that:

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Multi-testing is a great strategy to increase the effectiveness of preemployment testing. It is very common to test aptitude and personality or skills and personalities. Employers can take multiple tests for each applicant to help them assess different aspects of the applicant. This helps to speed up the hiring process and allows them make more informed decisions.